You look around and you find things which are not clear, Ideas which are ambiguous, chats which are meaningless. In those meaningless directions you develop a perception by default. This is to just facilitate our programming. This is either driven by your ignorance vis-à-vis you are driven by your imagination. Overall, sometimes life becomes clearly something that is called an illusion- a distortion of the senses. Life is amalgamation of responses which can reveal how the human brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. And hence the journey begins of unfolding dualism. When you reach the utmost meaning you find it very grateful. Till the end it becomes extremely intense. Then you decide - Will keep it up till the climax...
This idea can be treated with dignity. You want your idea to be respected. You go in search of deeper senses, you assume one thing at a time later as the time passes it loses its criteria. It becomes absurd later for you. For instance your assumption becomes wrong after some time but at a certain time you fight for that assumption. You want to prove your authenticity that itself is worthy for your ego. You stick to one idea with credibility.
Once idea of flat earth was acceptable to all but as soon with the help of scientific authenticity it was proven wrong, all ego of older version of knowledge started becoming irrelevant. Just to maintain the relevance among intelligentsia, proponents of older theories propagated against the new discovery. But later that idea was rejected by all. How this happened?
Theories can be just illusions. A latest discovery makes existing knowledge a myth. Myth can be well narrated illusion. No matter whether you have seen or experienced, it becomes your truth. Once it is proved by any credible source rejection takes place. This whole knowledge system works in a manner that justifies that anything can be just an illusion until the other side is not exposed to all.
The psychological concept of illusion is defined as a process involving an interaction of logical and empirical considerations. Common usage suggests that an illusion is a discrepancy between one's awareness and some stimulus. Following preliminary definitions of classes of stimuli, five definitions of illusion are considered, based upon the possible discrepancies between awareness and a stimulus. It is found that each of these definitions fails to make important distinctions, even to the point of equating all illusory and perceptual phenomena.
Illusion can be dilemma when you fail to take decisions. This dilemma is resolved by redefining illusion without reference to truth or falsity, but relative to the functioning of a given perceptual system under different conditions. At the end this is you who decide – if to choose illusion or not…
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